- Assisted Listening Devices
Schedule and Tickets
Tickets are sliding scale, free - $40, plus fees. For more information about accessibility, visit Luminary Arts Center's website at https://luminaryartscenter.com/accessibility/.
About the Show
March 13-16, 2025
Directed by Harry Waters Jr.; written by Elle Thoni with contributions from Charli Fool Bear-Vetter. Music by Carlisle Evans Peck.
DisPlace: A North Loop Fantasy Quest is an original production that blends real-world housing issues with fantasy role-playing adventure. Created in partnership with the North Loop Neighborhood Association and Avivo Village, Displaceperforms at Luminary Arts Center in Minneapolis’ North Loop neighborhood.
Hear ye, hear ye! His honorable Lord Sunshine hereby invites you to the first official Festival of DisPlacement, celebrating the triumph over poverty in the Kingdom’s Northern Loop! Rest assured, there is absolutely no chance whatsoever that you will run into any wayward heroes or formidable monsters on your way to Archer’s Arena – which is definitely not Target Field. However, please be advised that you may want to keep your sword on you… you know… just in case.
Inspired by the high-energy imagination of tabletop roleplaying games and created in conversation with North Loop and Avivo Village residents, DisPlace is an epic fantasy quest about the reality of housing injustice in Minneapolis. Through audience participation, and immersive storytelling, DisPlace challenges audiences members to think about how we can come together as a community to create housing justice.
More Information about Dis Place: A North Loop Fantasy Quest