- Audio Description
- ASL Interpretation
- Tactile/Touch Tour
- An ASL interpreter and Audio Describer will be on site SUNDAYS from 11am - 2pm. They are trained in all projects and it's a choose-your-own adventure experience! Get connected with your guide at the Welcome Shanty just inside the entrance gate. Two ADA ramps are installed near shore for all visitors to get to the surface of the lake. Kicksleds are available for an accessible and fun ride throughout the village. Have a friend push or volunteers are happy to assist.
Schedule and Tickets
Schedule: 02/02
This event is free to the public, with a suggested donation of $10-20. Donations can be made in advance at https://www.givemn.org/story/Asp2025 or given on site (cash or cards accepted). There is a small paid parking lot on the northwest side of the lake (“Bandshell Lot”), as well as free street parking around the parkway.
About the Show
weekends from January 18 - February 9, 2025
Since 2004 Art Shanty Projects has created whimsical, weird and joyful winter art experiences for grown adults and kids of all ages. Inspired by pop-up ice fishing villages, artists use the frozen lake as a public platform to create a temporary, interactive community.
This year's program includes 20 Shanties that stay up all month, and more than 20 performances & art actions that pop up throughout the village at different times throughout the run. Shanties will again be a mix of classic, enclosed structures and the new open-air style of projects that artists developed during the pandemic. Individual artists, performers and project listings are on the website, https://artshantyprojects.org. The projects collectively provide a multi-sensory experience, including visual spectacle, touchable elements, sound, movement, and even taste!
Accessibility information is listed at https://artshantyprojects.org/visit/. For questions or to request more information on accessibility, contact Syd Petersen, sydney@artshantyprojects.org or 612-567-6844.